The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Mission Statement
The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin, faithful to the message of the Blessed Virgin Mary through her appearances on the American continent in 1531, serves the spiritual needs of those who suffer poverty in body and soul. It is a place of ceaseless prayer for the corporal and spiritual welfare of God’s children, especially those in most need.
What is a Marian devotion?
Devotions help us to deepen our love of God and of one another, through our participation in the life of the Church, especially the Sacraments. Marian devotions, in particular, express our love for the ever-Virgin Mary and help us to deepen our participation in the mystery of the Redemptive Incarnation in which she cooperated so intimately by accepting God the Father’s will that she be the Mother of the Redeemer.
The Americas and Our Lady of Guadalupe
On our American continent, Marian devotion is frequently centered around the figure of our Blessed Mother as she appeared in December of1531 to the native American Saint Juan Diego at Tepeyac Hill in the area of modern day Mexico City. Our Blessed Mother actually appeared four times to Saint Juan Diego and once to his dying elderly uncle, Juan Bernardino. The fourth appearance to Saint Juan Diego was the most wonderful. A brief account of the apparitions will help us to appreciate better God the Father’s purpose in sending the Blessed Mother to us at Tepeyac Hill and the important meaning of devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
“From the first inspiration of the building of a shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe, the goal has been to build a beautiful church dedicated to Our Lord Jesus and His Mother and our Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe.”
-Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke

“From the first inspiration of the building of a shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe, the goal has been to build a beautiful church dedicated to Our Lord Jesus and His Mother and our Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe.”
-Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
Shrine History
A Gift of Providence
Pilgrims come to the Shrine Church to receive God’s forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance and to participate in Holy Mass. Through her beautiful image behind the altar, Our Lady of Guadalupe continues her vocation and mission of bringing Christ to us and bringing us to Christ. In November of 1995, then-Bishop Raymond Leo Burke met with a small group of people to discuss his ideas for a Marian shrine. Through what many attribute to divine providence, a beautiful site of approximately 70 acres was gifted by the Robert Swing family. It was the desire of the late Mr. & Mrs. Swing that the tract of land which they had cared for so well might one day become a place that would draw people closer to God.